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Pay Less for College!


Most middle and upper-middle income families are surprised to learn that with a little planning, they can significantly lower out-of-pocket college costs, maximize grants and scholarships, and minimize debt. 


We’re teaming up with SMARTTRACK® College Funding, the nation’s leader in developing strategic college funding plans, to assist our clients with the financial piece of college planning. They’ve helped over 250,000 families affordably reduce the cost of higher education, often by tens of thousands of dollars per year. 


If you’re concerned that you won’t qualify for financial aid, haven’t saved enough, or don’t have an effective plan to cover the considerable costs of educating all your children, SMARTTRACK® can help.


Plans to Prosper College Consulting 9th-11th Grade Families Get These Free Benefits and Special Discounts: 

  • A complimentary College Funding Evaluation with a professional SMARTTRACK® Advisor. This is your crucial first step to lower college costs! 

  • Parent Education Webinar - learn tangible steps for how to pay less for college

  • Access to free money-saving online resources

  • Steep discounts on affordable advanced services 



Use this custom link to learn more and create your complimentary SMARTTRACK® account. 




Q: Why is Plans to Prosper College Consulting recommending SMARTTRACK®?


A: Plans to Prosper College Consulting knows that parents need to prepare for college, too! Students are more likely to attend their top-choice colleges when parents have a well-planned college funding strategy. SMARTTRACK® College Funding’s expert Advisors will help you develop and implement a comprehensive money-saving college funding plan.


Q: We don’t expect to get financial aid because of our income and assets. How can you help us save money?


A: You might be surprised to learn that even with high income or assets, you can be eligible for gift aid. Additionally, HOW you pay for college and how you organize your taxes or business before and during the college years can lead to significant savings. SMARTTRACK® College Funding Advisors are experts at analyzing your financial profile to identify your best money-saving college funding strategies.


Q: We are counting on scholarships for our student. What happens if we don’t get enough?


A: Our goal is to help you improve your grant potential and provide additional funding options to help you close the gap and reduce your dependence on loans.


Q: Why do I need a SMARTTRACK® Advisor if I already have an accountant or wealth manager?


A: Just as your CPA understands the tax code or your wealth manager understands the stock market, SMARTTRACK® College Funding Advisors have an expert understanding of how the financial aid system will assess your family and how to mitigate red flags in your financial profile that will be counted against you. Because college funding takes such specific expertise, your accountant or financial planner’s best intentions may actually limit your eligibility for aid.


SMARTTRACK® College Funding will show you how to best pay for college, how to pay less for college, and how to keep your retirement safe in the process.





  • Even if you think you make too much money or have too many assets to qualify, you still may be able to qualify for significant scholarships, grants, and merit money.


  • The way you structure your businesses, rental properties, taxes and estate can dramatically affect your college costs.


  • Understanding how the financial aid formulas really work - and how you will be assessed by those formulas - can make a substantial difference in the amount of aid you are awarded.


  • There may be steps you can take right now to stretch your college funds to cover more of your college costs.


  • There are specific types of Savings Accounts that may reduce or eliminate your eligibility for grants, scholarships and merit money.


  • Expensive private colleges can be even more affordable than in-state public schools.


  • It’s crucial to know the most cost-effective, tax-advantaged college funding strategies specific to your family because these strategies can make college far easier to afford.


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